A downloadable mod


5 Bin Cross Auger Setup Using state controller. Mappers paradise for the Shack

===============================================================A 39,000 Bushel 5 bin setup with cross augers for smaller farms that cant quite afford a pit dump.


FS22 State Controller by ThundRFS (itch.io)

You need this for the propane


and this for the production

Dry Corn Addon | ModHub | Farming Simulator (farming-simulator.com)


CategoryGame mod
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(7 total ratings)
AuthorCorn Belt Modding
TagsFarming, Farming Simulator, Farming Simulator 22


FS22_CBM_5_Bin_Setup_SC.zip 58 MB


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Hey I got a quick question its only fill up a little bit and then says out of space am I doing something wrong??

i installed everything and i cant get it to take no corn or i cant get the state controller promps to show up and then i place propane tank and it shows zeo propane?  what am i doin wrong


Using time saving stock check mod after corn dries it does not show in the list on that mod.  Inside by the switches it shows the amount of dried corn in bin 3 (where I told it).  Any way to get it to show up in TS check mod?

How do I unload the grain? I cannot find a unload point to put a auger to load trucks?

How can I change speed it dries corn and the speed it moves grain to other bins from the wet bin?

I'm trying to use this to store all of my grain and dry corn.

it already drys super fast

I agree, however is there a way to increase the speed to transport, say soybeans, from the wet bin to another for storage?

Thank you!

you're able to set the input to the bin you want so it goes directly to that bin instead of having to transfer

hey, i still need to know where to place the drycorn addon near the bin setup please? i have taken your advice on just using the propane tank and i see it both places but, when i had something in the wetbin i got the message "out of space" after i have activated all 3 things to activate.i do see the propane input but its not emptying when i moved the corn from wetbin to bin4 for instance.so what am i missing for the propane to be used? any advice is greatly appreciated.....

you dont need to activate the transfer

can you do a tutorial on how to set everything up propperly please? i must be missing something.i can see Corn going into the wetbin and i can use the State controller mod transferring from wetbin to bin1 or whatever bin changing the input and output.the propane stays full all the time for me and when i activate the 3 things in state controllerr im getting "out of space" for the 1st 2 but the 3rd one stays on running  when im moving from 1 bin to another....... i tried to reach  out to you on discord but i guess my mic wasnt working and you guys thought i was gay or something since you were telling me to talk and i tried to reply but after awhile of being annoyed i gave up and thought id send another message on here....sorry for sounding stupid on here but id love to use your bin setup correctly because its so retro looking.

i think i found out why the propane tank wasn't working for me,which was it don't work with Maize plus.

All you have to do is select a bin to output dry corn in and boom it should work.

Quick question, for the drycorn addon.....where is the best place  to be located at?  meaning  close to propane tank next to SqatchMonkey's small grain leg or by the old 5 bin cross auger setup? sorry for the dumb question!

you dont need to have squatches grainleg placed you need the propane tank near  the bins

(1 edit)

alright thanks, and what about the dry corn addon tanks? do i need them placed down near the bins as well? and is it possible to take a screenshot of it so i may get a better glimps of it because once i done the propane tank filled up and activate everything i'm still seeing materials missing and the propane stays full even when i'm seeing the wet tank take the corn to another bin.so i must be missing something.otherwise i see it tansfering to the output of the bin i sent it to just fine.any suggestions is greatly appreciated.....otherwise you did a spendid job on this project just like all the projects you have done for the community!!! thank you so much for all the hard work you put in to every mod you have made public for all of us to enjoy and make the game more enjoyable to play however we want to play the game.

hey how do i load propane in it because i have a trailer full and it wont trigger or let me buy it in

i put in the description that you need squatchmonkey's bin setup for a propane tank

it mayve me but this is nice but noy user freindley at all

where is the actuall unload for grain?

wherever you set it to with State Controller 

theres no bin to unload with state controller, on the one sqautch made, theres an over head bin and thats how you would unload. i walked around the bins with easy dev and theres no trigger

you need to put an auger under the pipes coming out of the bins

just want to inform u theres some errors on it


I have propane. I activated the production. It only let me put 9L in the bin and it says no more capacity for corn. Did I miss a step?  Am I missing a required mod?

do you have the output set to a different bin than the wet bin

also do you have the dry corn addon

yes I have the dry corn add on. How do I change the output?

Right shift ]

Make sure its a bracket not a )

do I need this mod FS22 State Controller by ThundRFS (itch.io)

Why, if i disable production revamp my game load always stuck at 60%? And the log says that fill types is maxed.

try a different map


if i remember correctly state controller doesn't work well with production revamp and maize plus just a heads up

I see

I hate to be this guy but STFU You Prob just a console player who has no better thing to do than torment the PC Modders, Go Bug EY or someone else.

Me? I am a PC player lol

Where is the unload point for propane?

You need squatch monkeys bin setup for the tank

Ok, I tried that but I’ll try again….probably didn’t have it in the right spot. Thanks for the reply and thanks for the mods, much appreciated!

Make sure you put it close to the bins and fill the tank

It reads the tank not the bins for a propane level as the tank is an extension

Thanks for the help! Ya I was trying to put the tank by the dryer. I put it by the bins and voila, it works!

where do you place the tank at?

anywhere close to the bins

have does not show up that it there

did you fill it